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The Top 5 Things I'd Do if Starting My Business Again For the Greatest Impact to My Time and Money

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The Top 5 Things I'd Do if Starting My Business Again For the Greatest Impact to My Time and Money


The Top 5 Things I'd Do if Starting My Business Again For the Greatest Impact to my Time and Money | Start a business | Brandmerry

My business has changed so much from when I first started in 2016.

It originally started with my husband and I creating a design business to support female entrepreneurs in the design of their brand and website. I had a background in Public Relations and he had a background in design, so it seemed like an excellent place to start.

However, I realized shortly after that's not what I wanted to do. In August 2016, I rebranded Brandmerry as a coaching and consulting business and knew right away that this was it. Had I known what I know now about determining your niche, I would have started Brandmerry differently at the beginning. 

But, without it, I wouldn’t be able to support my clients the way I go now when it comes to determining their niche and personal story, so here we are and today, I’m sharing 5 of those tips I wish I’d known when starting my business in 2016.

1. STORY WORK: Look inward to discover what you really want to do and do it

If you know anything about me, you know I always want you to start with your story.

Looking at your story will help you discover what you really do and don't want to do in your business. And I'm not talking about posting on social media, and those things that you can later outsource, that need to be done in your business for marketing purposes.

I'm talking about the way you're working with clients - are you working with them in a way you truly enjoy, or do you not like how you're currently working with clients?

Are you offering a package or service that you actually don't like doing?

Are you doing what you actually want to do and something that’s authentic to you or just something you saw online?

Because it's not easy to run an online business, but if you create one that’s in alignment with your story and mission it’s going to be much more enjoyable and successful.

When you’re thinking about your story, think about the bigger purpose and the big picture, or as I like to refer to it the mission.

Identifying the why doesn't always do it for me, but focusing on your life mission and the impact you want to make does. Maybe coaching is the avenue to get you to where you want to be in the big picture. Just be really clear on the type of business you want to create.

Know that it is possible for you and creating strategies and business models that honor who you are as a person.

2. RESEARCH: Know your freaking audience

I didn't think this was important in the beginning. I would tell my coach that I had done the ideal client worksheets when I hadn't and it definitely showed in my marketing.

There was a big a-ha moment for me when I was at home, sick from my 9-5, and I finally sat down and wrote out who my ideal client was. I mean I went DEEP into who they were, what they believed, what mattered more and more.

A week later I signed a client that had been in my community for months. It took a shift in my messaging and true connection for her to make the leap.

There is a reason companies spend so much money on research because successful marketing comes back to truly understanding your audience so clearly, that you can inspire your audience to take action.

It’s important to study your audience.
Pay attention to what they're saying, what they need and want in their life.

The more you understand your ideal client, the more trust you will build with them.

I encourage you to do everything you can to get in their head (in a non-creepy way) because you need to identify what they're struggling with and what they really want. You also need to know their hopes and dreams. I survey my audience at least 3 times a year and love to use free Facebook Groups and tools like Answer The Public to find data, and it makes a big difference.

3. TIME-MANAGEMENT: Be focused and forgiving of your schedule

I really wish I would have known this in the beginning because there were times I was really hard on myself around what I could accomplish with my schedule.

There's not a one size fits all approach to business. That's why it's important to find a mentor and community that understands that. It's also important to look internally and figure out what works for your life. A great way to do this is to perform time audits to see where your time is going and how you can eliminate, outsource or improve your schedule.

You do have to make choices when building a business in order to find the time, but understand it’s not about hustling 24/7. I have a podcast episode all about time management tips here.

But this doesn't give you an excuse to slack off and not do something because you don't feel like it and then say it was because of time.

Time is not an excuse, it’s about how we use it.

So, once you’ve determined that this is what you want to do, then commit to it. Make modifications to your schedule, create times when your business is a priority and then make choices that honor your current season of life.

If you cant’ do a live video every week, find something you can do.

If you’ve got an hour a week for content, then repurposing an existing blog post.

It’s about working smarter not harder!

4. EMAIL LIST: Grow your list from day 1

If you take away one thing, please make it this!

It’s so important to start growing your email list from day one.

It's important for you to have a database of your own because we do not own social media or our Facebook Groups. Having a way to communicate with your audience is important.

You can learn more about list building strategies in a few of my popular blog posts here:

How to Build Your Email List

3 Daily Marketing Actions to Grow Your Business

5 Ninja Skills to Improve Your Email List Building

The first step is creating a lead magnet or gift, creating a form through your email provider and then using marketing strategies to get your free gift in front of the right people.

That first person on your email list could be that first client. My first client came when I had 10 people on my list.

5. 2 P's: Plan and Patience

I’m not going to sugar coat it and tell you how difficult it is to start and scale a business. But, the truth is that it’s a heck of a lot easier when you have a plan in place.

Planning your business for 90-days at a time, as well as for the year as a whole is essential so you can take actionable steps daily.

Without a clear plan and strategic daily steps, you’ll wrap up your year and not know what the heck you even did! For some of my insider secrets on planning, listen to this podcast episode on The Beautiful Climb podcast.

And along with the plan, comes the need to practice patience.

You have to know that this is going to take time. All marketing takes at least 30 days to access the data to see what’s working and what’s not. But, it’s this combination of daily action and patience that is the sweet spot.

If you are putting in the effort and energy and know you are worthy, you will get there. You have to have patience and know that it's your journey. Stay in your lane. Focus on what you're doing. The impact you're having. Patience, patience, patience. 

You can watch the whole video for a more in-depth version of this and several bonus tips below!


Head over to my Facebook Page and be sure to like and comment on the video while you are over there to help more people see this information ↠

Branding and Business Coach | Michelle Knight of Brandmerry 

P.S. Are we connected on Instagram? No? Well lady what’s happening here we’ve got to fix that. Come hang out with me on my favorite social media platform. Follow for inspiration and send me a DM to know we’re connected.




Hey there, I'm Michelle Knight and I an online branding and marketing consultant for female entrepreneurs.

I believe in the power of storytelling and using that superpower to brand and market yourself online...oh and to set yourself free.

I'm obsessed with living a life of freedom, so much so, that my family and I now travel full-time while running my business from the road.

This blog serves as a home base for all things branding, marketing, content creation and more.

Blog_Michelle Knight_Branding and Business Coach.png


I was just a new mom with an ambitious dream to start my own business. That dream turned into a multiple 6-figure business and the ability to travel full time. Now, I teach women how to brand and market their authentic voice online and take bold action to create a life better than their dreams.




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How to Discover Your Niche {video inside}

How to Discover Your Niche

How to Discover Your Niche | Build Your Business and Brand | Branding and Business Coach Michelle Knight | Brandmerry

Today I'm really excited to share with you my top tips for coming up with a business idea and how to niche down in a way that allows you to attract your dream clients and standout online. Before I dive into my tips, I want to share with you about an upcoming master class that I have. It's on five simple steps to create an authentic brand that allows you to grow your community with ease and leads to more clients. For more information on the upcoming time, checkout this link:

1. Look at your story

Tip number one, which is my favorite thing to freaking talk about and it's about really looking back at your story. Really looking back at your life and seeing, "Hey, are there any signs about what I could continue to do, what I could build a business around?" This was really powerful for me in my business, because my background and education was in communication, it was in advertising and public relations. When I looked at the pieces that I really enjoyed among all those things that I had done, the branding element really stood out to me. Then it was the piece of my story after identifying what had really happened in my life on a personal level that it became clear that I wanted to really empower women to show up as their authentic selves. To not be stifled, to create a life and a business that resulted freedom.

So, for you what is it? What can you look back at your story, look back at some major transitions of your life and say, "Whoa, I really feel passionate about that. I really feel like I could create that into a business." Often times, everything we need is already inside of us. It just takes a couple minutes to look inward and say, "Oh, yes, that is important. Oh yes, I love that," and then put the energy towards actually making that happen.

2. Come up with a list

All right, number two, I want you to come up with a list of ideas that you have based on your story. So come up with a list of ideas of things that you could teach or you could guide other individuals on to create a business around. Then from that list I want to see if anything pops out for you. Are you getting really clear on who you actually want to attract to your business? 'Cause this is such an important part of niching down that often doesn't come until later in people's minds, but I want you to focus on it in the beginning.

What pieces of your story, what parts of the list are telling you, "Hey I want to work with women. I want to work with women who want to leave their nine to five. I want to work with the new moms." Right? Can you start to get an idea of the person that you want to attract to your new brand and your business. So that's step two. Listing out all of the possible things that you feel passionate about that you can share, that you can build a business around and are any of those pointing to a type of woman or man that you want to attract to your business.

3. Making the connection

Step number three, I call Making the Connection, but you might also consider it Narrowing the List Down. So what we're going to do is we're going to take a look at your list and maybe for a couple of those connectors, like a couple of those points you're like, "Whoa, I want to talk to the same type of person for each of these," and that's what we're going to look at. We're going to look at how can these be connected. Are there maybe five things that really point you to creating a business around branding? Are there three points that tell you really want to help individuals with mindset? Are there some parts of your story that keep popping up around marketing strategies? Looking for the consistency in that list and the things that keep popping up that pull your attention to that one topic.

This is how we start to niche down, because as humans we can do so much and many of you watching right now as entrepreneurs or aspiring entrepreneurs probably have so many talents and it's really hard to bundle them all up into one specific thing. But by focusing on it this way and kind of niching yourself down into more of a generalized theme allows you to focus on those different pieces. If marketing is popping up a lot, then you know that your niche is most likely marketing. If branding is popping up a lot, it tells you, "Hey, we need to focus a little bit on branding." And then, you also have the steps that you need to say, "Oh, I want to focus on branding and I want to help this particular person with the branding process." And that right there, the what you do and the who you want to attract is the most important of niching down.


My bonus tip for you today is that you can really build a business around anything. It's about being really specific and clear what it is that you do, who you want to attract and how you market yourself to them. I have a video that I did earlier this year on messaging, so go ahead and click that, make sure that you watch that video, it's really, really important. That is the next piece after niching down and finding your ideal client. But remember that there are so many people in the world, and you truly can create a business for a particular audience, for your target market and know that whatever crazy idea ... They seem crazy now, I have seen crazier in the online space when it comes to business ideas. So feel good and feel grounded and what idea you have and know that it is possible for you.

I really hope that those tips were super helpful for you. If you want more of a workbook style, I do have a really cool niche workbook that has helped thousands of women. You can download that here:

It's all about niching down and it'll walk you through this entire process, which is going to be so valuable for you, especially if you are just now thinking of starting a business. In addition, don't forget to join me for the Five Steps To Creating An Authentic Brand masterclass, which you can join here, and that's going to be really powerful for you, because I'm sharing what my journey has really looked like from working nine to five busy mom to creating a six figure business in just a year of having my coaching business, and I'm going to be sharing those steps for you. I'm all about simplicity.

You can watch the whole video for a more in-depth version of this and several bonus tips below!

Head over to my YouTube Channel and be sure to like and comment on the video while you are over there to help more people see this information ↠

And as always please share and comment on this blog post, I love connecting with you!

Branding and Business Coach | Michelle Knight of Brandmerry 

Branding and Business Coach | Branding Coach | Business Coach | Michelle Knight of Brandmerry 

Michelle Knight is a Branding and Business coach for female entrepreneurs who are struggling to gain visibility and traction to take their business to the next level. She works with her clients to dive deep into their story so they can create a brand and message that positions them as an expert and allows them to create their desired income to free up time in their schedule for what matters most. Learn more >>

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How to Host an Online Challenge to Grow Your Community With Ease {Video Inside

How to Host an Online Challenge to Grow Your Community With Ease | Branding and Business Coach | Brandmerry by Michelle Knight

The reason I love challenges is because it allows you to give massive value to your community in a shorter time frame.

They can follow your challenge and already see results in such a short time, which builds connection and trust.

It's an amazing strategy and tool to not only grow your community, but also nurture and develop your community so they are ready to invest.

The first challenge I did was a 7-day video challenge.

Everyday I would post a video and ask my small, but mighty community a question. If they participated every day in the video and the questions, I offered free calls.

Now at the time I had about 10 people in my community and only half were participating in the challenge. However, some of those people booked calls and one of them turned into my very first coaching client.

My latest challenge grew my list by 500 people in just a two week promo period. Challenges work so well because they address a need of your audience, usually the most pressing, and solve a problem quickly.

I’ve broken down 5 Must-Haves to Host a Challenge With Ease.

If you prefer to watch the video training, just scroll to the boom and hit play. 


The first thing to do is write down the main problems your audience is facing and how you can support them. From this list, choose the topics you’re most excited about addressing.

You need to come up with a topic that you're freaking excited about because it’s going to require a lot of your time and energy to execute. It doesn't matter if someone else just did a challenge on a similar topic, you will present it in a different way for your community.

If you're not excited about it, the challenge isn't going to perform as well as it could.

Once you have a list of three possible topics, ask your audience with a poll which topic they would like the most.

This will not only create buzz around your challenge, but help you finalize your topic. Then you can even go back to the people who voted and invite them to the challenge. My best performing challenges always came from:

  1. Pinpointing the problem

  2. Deciding which topics excited me most

  3. Polling my audience 

2. Be specific with your challenge topic

The more specific you are with the title, benefits and outcome for your audience the better.

If I see a challenge, and I think they are going to cover way too much, I won't sign up. Same when it's a 40-50 day challenge. I'm a mom, I know I can't commit to a challenge that long so I just won't signup.

I recommend getting specific in a few areas so you can keep your challenge to a maximum of 7 days (although my personal favorite is 5).

Get specific on:

  1. The problem you solve. This will help you title your challenge and promote it.

  2. The title. This needs to be clear. Many people will decide if your challenge is for them or not based on your title. Remember you’re solving a problem, tell them the problem and what they will get from the challenge in a single sentence.

  3. List out the benefits. Each of the days of the challenge you should be focusing on one small thing. The more specific you are with the lessons each day, the faster your audience will get results. Get clear on the benefit each day to help you plan your content.

3. planning your content for an online challenge

This is the biggest piece of the puzzle. I go through the list below when I'm planning out all of my challenges. 

1. Topic. What is your topic, what problem do you solve and why do they care? This will be your title.

2. Map out your challenge and break down your days. Is it 5 days? 3 days? I typically do 5 days. Once you decide how many days the challenge will be, write down what you're going to talk about each day. This is important because it helps you when you're promoting. It also sets your bullets up for your landing page which is important because people want to know why they should sign up. Then fill in the gaps. What pieces do you need to fill in? Is there an emotional component? Do you need a guest speaker? How can you make this a memorable experience for your audience?

3. Create a landing page/opt-in page. The purpose of your challenge should be to grow your list and gauge the interest of your existing community in the topic. You can create landing pages in Convertkit**, Mailchimp or Flodesk.

4. Create a Thank You Page. You can host this page on your website or another landing page. The goal for this page is to invite them where the challenge is taking place, possibly a Facebook Group or Instagram. You can also use Manychat to send them free reminders and this can be a great place to give them that option.

5. Welcome email. This can be really simple, you just need to send them an email when they sign up to give them the logistics of the challenge. Another thing to include is how you will deliver the content, so people know where to show up for the challenge. I also suggest reminder emails of some kind either the day of the challenge or 24 hours before.

6. Promote your challenge. Give yourself about 2 weeks before the challenge starts to promote your challenge. People need time. You need time. This is so important. Give yourself at least two weeks - no less and focus on how the challenge is going to solve their problem.

4. deliver your online challenge

This is easy. Show up and do it. I love live video, but you can also record video in advance and post it. You could also do an email challenge, but I’ve found video always performs better in converting clients.

You can do videos on your Facebook business page, in your Facebook group, on Instagram live, etc. You can also do a pop-up Facebook group which I do for my challenges. 

Make sure your title is really strong every single day and tell them exactly what they're going to learn. I like to leave my content up for a few days after the challenge has ended and then remove it so I can repurpose the content into a paid offer or bonus.

5. How to amp up your challenge 

If this is your first challenge, please don't try to incorporate all of this. But the more you can show up and remind them about your challenge, the better. 

  1. Host a pop-up group specifically for your challenge. This is a great way to build a community specific for the challenge you’re conducting.

  2. Run Facebook Ads to promote. If you’re running ads be sure to give yourself a few more days to test the ads so they can run a full two weeks.

  3. Boost your videos if public. If you’re doing these videos on Facebook live you can boost your videos to increase views.

  4. Add Manychat Facebook Messenger Reminders. I love this strategy and helps increase the show up rate. Use Manychat to send reminders directly through Facebook when you’re going live.

  5. Add a cool prize component (ex. If they comment everyday, they get a free coaching call at the end of the challenge). If this is your first challenge or you have a small component this can help increase engagement.

You can watch the whole video for a more in-depth version of this and several bonus tips below!

Head over to my Facebook Page and be sure to like and comment on the video while you are over there to help more people see this information ↠

Michelle Knight of Brandmerry Branding and Business Coach



Meet Michelle

Hey there, I'm Michelle Knight and I an online branding and marketing consultant for female entrepreneurs.

I believe in the power of storytelling and using that superpower to brand and market yourself online...oh and to set yourself free.

I'm obsessed with living a life of freedom, so much so, that my family and I now travel full-time while running my business from the road.

This blog serves as a home base for all things branding, marketing, content creation and more.

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How to Use Facebook Messenger Bots For Your Brand {Video Inside}

How to Use Facebook Messenger Bots For Your Brand

How to use Facebook Messenger Bots for your Brand | Facebook Marketing Tips | Boost Engagement | Business and Branding Coach | Michelle Knight of Brandmerry

In today's video I'm going to be sharing with you three simple ways to use Facebook Messenger bots, specifically mini chat, to not only grow your audience, but also increase brand awareness, and more importantly, engagement. But before I dive into those three simple steps, I want to share with you an upcoming masterclass that I'm hosting on how to create an authentic brand that allows you to grow your community with ease and leads to more clients. You can find an upcoming time and all the information in the link below.

But before I jump into those three simple steps, I want to go ahead and invite you to an upcoming training that I am doing. I'm going to be sharing five steps on creating an authentic brand that grows your loyal community and leads to more clients. You can join here: 

1. Using Messenger Bots for Live Video Notification

This has been so much fun for me in my brand and business, and I'm so excited to share it with you, because it has really not only increased live viewers, but also increased engagement, which is so important with the social media algorithm. We want people not only showing up to watch, liking and hearting your content, sharing and commenting. All of those pieces are really, really important.

So the more people that you can get on the actual live video, as opposed to watching it on replay, is going to help you stand out online. So how do you do this with mini chat? So there's so many different ways to use Messenger bots, but I absolutely love creating a really simple form in Manychat for an upcoming live video that you are hosting. Maybe for you it's a live video, a live training, a challenge, or a weekly or biweekly segment, like Mondays with Michelle, which I do biweekly on my Facebook business page.

Creating a really simple opt in form using Manychat, putting a cool little title telling them if they sign up they'll get a notification right in their Messenger box, so they don't miss a single thing. Then, when they sign up, you can schedule a broadcast to all of the amazing women and men who have signed up to get the notification, and send them a really cool notification that says "Oh my gosh, we're live." They can click the button and join you live right there and then.

It's also a really cool idea to follow up with any posts afterwards asking if they have any takeaways or questions, or reminding them about a special offer that you mentioned on the live video, which they will hopefully be live on, with that really awesome reminder.

It takes the guess work out for people wondering "When is that person going to go live? Do I have to set a reminder?" And what if they forget, because life gets in the way. We are all by our phones most of the time, so it's really cool to have just a little Facebook Messenger pop up and say "Oh yeah, I'll watch right here on my phone."

2. Using Messenger Bots for Pre-Enrollment to a Launch

So maybe you're rolling out a new course, or a new program, and this is a strategy that I absolutely loved doing for my signature course, Your Brand New Adventure. And it worked really, really well. So what I did is I created a wait list on my website, by embedding a Manychat form onto my website, so that they could go to my website, to the sales page, and click to get a messenger reminder when the cart opened.

Then about a week before the cart opens, I sent a Facebook message to them, just letting them know that they had signed up to join the wait list, and the offer was now available. It was so powerful, I had 50% women buy on the very first day, and the other 50%, yes 100% conversion on a wait list, signed up before the cart closed.

And all I needed to do, because they were an engaged audience, is send them a reminder message mid way through, just letting them know that that special pre-enrollment offer was ending, and then again on the final day, saying "Hey, now if you're interested, here's the information to learn more."

It saved me a ton of time when it came to pre-enrollment for my launch, I didn't have to send out a ton of emails. It was just three simple Manychat messages, and I was done. So it's a really cool tool to use in your arsenal.

One thing to keep in mind is that Manychat and other messenger bots do not allow sole promotion. So you want to make sure that the people who sign up for your wait list are engaged before you actually promote a free order. In order to do that you can add a couple of questions like "Are you still interested in the Brand New Adventure that you signed up for. Click yes or no." And once they respond, they will be considered an engaged audience.

3. Using Messenger bots to Announce a YouTube Video or a Blog Post that just went live

This is really important, especially when it comes to YouTube, because Google wants to see that people are responding to the video shortly after it's published. And the same goes for your blog post.

So the more eyes that you can get on that content right away, the better. So using Messenger bots to send reminders to your audience when a blog post is published, or a YouTube video is live, is really, really powerful. You can create a simple signup using something like Manychat, where they can just sign up for notifications, and then every week, or biweekly, or whenever your schedule is for your blog, or your YouTube channel, you can send a little reminder to their inbox saying "Hey, here's today's topic. I'd love for you to head over to the website, or YouTube. Hit like, write a comment, and let me know your feedback."

It's a great way to get instant feedback, and instant eyes on the content you're creating. Messenger bots are seriously exploding, and I'll share with you my personal favorite, which is Manychat. It's free to use, it's a really, really great tool to add to your online business. But it's really important because it improves engagement, and engagement is so important with the way Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, basically every single algorithm, is functioning today.

So the more people that you can get onto your live videos, or into your programs, on to your blog posts or your YouTube video right away, the better it is going to be for you and your brand. But here's the thing, I shared with you three simple steps today on how you can incorporate Messenger bots, but if you don't have a clear voice for your brand and your business, none of that stuff, that fancy stuff, makes any sense.

Which is why I'm really going to encourage you one more time to join me for my upcoming masterclass on five simple steps to create an authentic brand that allows you to grow your community with ease, and leads to more clients. You can click the link right here to sign up at the time that works best for you.

You can watch the whole video for a more in-depth version of this and several bonus tips below!

Head over to YouTube and be sure to like and comment on the video while you are over there to help more people see this information ↠

And as always please share and comment on this blog post, I love connecting with you!

Branding and Business Coach | Michelle Knight of Brandmerry 

Branding and Business Coach | Branding Coach | Business Coach | Michelle Knight of Brandmerry 

Michelle Knight is a Branding and Business coach for female entrepreneurs who are struggling to gain visibility and traction to take their business to the next level. She works with her clients to dive deep into their story so they can create a brand and message that positions them as an expert and allows them to create their desired income to free up time in their schedule for what matters most. Learn more >>

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What to do When You Feel Stuck and Don't Know What to Email Your List

What to do When You Feel Stuck and Don't Know What to Email Your List {Video Inside} 

What to do When You Feel Stuck and Don't Know What to Email Your List | Content Creation Tips, Email Marketing tips | Branding and business coach | Michelle Knight of Brandmerry

Before we dive in, I want to invite you to my upcoming masterclass: 5 Steps to Create an Authentic Brand. This is going to be way different than any webinar you've been to before because, let's be honest, I hate webinars. So I'm changing the game and bringing you this masterclass that is packed full of valuable information and giving you 5 actionable steps to create your own authentic brand. Join me here:

Okay, now back to what to do when you feel stuck and don't know what to email your list or post on social media. How many times have you gone to email your list and sat in front of that blank email, unsure of what to share with your community? How many times have you done it for a Facebook post? An Instagram caption? Am I starting to see a theme? 

In November of 2017, it felt like I had lost every idea in my mind. I was really struggling to come up with content. I was struggling to email my list and post in Authentic Brand Builders. So I came up with a process to get unstuck, and that's what I'm sharing with you today. Life happens, I get it. So even if you're not feeling this way now, this information may be good to keep in the back of your mind, so when something does come up, you can still show up for your community and overcome the slump. If you've ever felt this way before, comment below and share your story! I love to read your comments. 

Why are you feeling stuck

We really want to pinpoint why you're feeling this way. It's not because you ran out of ideas. We always have ideas. Something else is blocking you and keeping you stuck. For myself, I was feeling a severe lack of confidence in November. Had I gone and posted to or emailed my community, it probably wouldn't even resonate with my audience because I wasn't inspired, and I wasn't confident. Ask yourself why? What is blocking you and why? 

Make sure you know your audience

Check in with yourself and make sure you know your audience well. If you know your audience, it's much easier to come up with ideas and often times when we feel stuck it's because we don't know who we are talking to. We feel like we're talking to everyone. When we are trying to talk to too many people, we talk to no one. When you go to write that email or that social media post, it's really, really important you know who you're talking to. 

Follow these 3 steps to get unstuck

1. Write an email about that very moment (your why to being stuck from number 1). 

Write about your current situation and what you're going through right now (or at that moment of feeling stuck). Make sure it gives value to your audience. This will help you build trust with your audience, it will help you relate with your audience and it will give you something to talk about. 

2. Have a brain dump

Be open to receiving the ideas and write everything that you can possibly think of down. If you haven't corrected the barrier of ideas flowing out, you won't be able to have the ideas flow in. You have to be open to receiving the ideas otherwise they won't come. But as soon as they do come, they won't stop. Sit down with a notebook and write down all of the ideas. 

3. Pull from the archives

The archives are your story. Anything that has happened in the past. We can pull from the archives and share those stories in a way that give value to your community. You can give tips to your audience who may be going through the same thing. This is so, so powerful. This is why I believe storytelling is the basis for every successful entrepreneur. Storytelling is about you being comfortable sharing your truth in a way that resonates with your audience and gives value.

BONUS TIP: If fear is blocking you...

Think about the person you want to attract to your brand. The person you want to respond to your message. Write to them. Write to that person. Break through the noise, speak your truth, get over the fear and just do it. 

You can watch the video for a more in-depth version of this and several bonus tips below!

Head over to my Facebook Page and be sure to like and comment on the video while you are over there to help more people see this information ↠

And as always please share and comment on this blog post, I love connecting with you!

Branding and Business Coach | Michelle Knight of Brandmerry 

Branding and Business Coach | Branding Coach | Business Coach | Michelle Knight of Brandmerry 

Michelle Knight is a Branding and Business coach for female entrepreneurs who are struggling to gain visibility and traction to take their business to the next level. She works with her clients to dive deep into their story so they can create a brand and message that positions them as an expert and allows them to create their desired income to free up time in their schedule for what matters most. Learn more >>

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