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Create a Morning Routine That Works for You


I can’t stress enough how important it is to begin your morning with some sort of routine. A morning routine sets the tone for your entire day and I honestly believe makes it easier to handle whatever life may throw at you.

While I was working my 9 to 5, I made it a point to complete some part of my morning ritual every single day. It wasn’t always easy, sometimes my son cooperated and sometimes he didn’t, but I was always sure to do some part in order to get my day started in a positive, energetic way.

Now that I've left my 9 to 5 and have more time to dedicate to my morning practice, I’m able to spend about an hour on my morning routine, but that came with time and definitely didn't happen overnight. I want you to remember one of my favorite quotes as you read further into this blog post, “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”

There will be days when you can only do one thing on this list, and that is fine. There will be days when you are able to complete every single thing your heart desires, and that is fine too. The point of a morning routine is to connect with yourself, if even for five minutes and live your day with purpose.

create a morning routine that works for you

I’ve included my top seven things to create a morning ritual with, but remember to create the routine that best serves you where you are in your life:

Journal - Take just 10 minutes every morning to journal about what you are currently facing in your life. I encourage you to not look ahead, but simply address what is happening in your life this very moment. Some of my best ideas have come from journaling first thing in the morning.

Meditate - If you are new to meditation I don’t want the word, meditation, to scare you. Think of this as a listening practice. Simply sit, count your breaths, listen to what the Universe has in store for you and be still. Every single morning I begin with a simple meditation, whether that be laying in bed, sitting on the porch or in the shower. Just taking at least five minutes to be still can make all the difference.

Walk/Yoga - Begin your morning with a brisk walk or morning yoga routine. Walking is an excellent morning routine if you have children or a fur baby. It gets your blood and thoughts flowing and if you are like me and always looking for ways to maximize the time, I suggest taking this time to add in some self-reflection.

Reading - I highly suggest reading/listening 10 minutes every day to inspirational books. When I was driving to work every morning I would use that time to listen to my books on Audible - like I said I’m all about maximizing my time.

Hot Beverage - This is such an amazing routine if you are short on time or as an added addition. There is something so soothing about enjoying a hot beverage first thing in the morning. For you if may be coffee, hot water with lemon or tea. I personally love a hot soy chai in the morning - there are very few things that make me feel so energized and ready to take on the day.

Visualization - The practice of visualizing is excellent in taking your mindset work up a notch. I started incorporating visualization a little over a month ago and have seen major progress in my mindset work. I want to emphasis progress because this technique requires regular practice. I like to take two minutes and visualize an outcome I’m looking forward to (think number of clients signed, a celebration dinner or money in the bank). The point of this exercise is to visualize the end result - really be there!y

Gratitude Practice - There is nothing better than beginning your day with immense gratitude for everything you have. This is also a great practice if you are strapped for time. Simply list five things that you are grateful for in that moment - that’s it. I also like to incorporate this into my nightly routine, as a way to close out my day.

The ideas above are just a few of the ways you can really maximize your day right from the start. Create a routine that fits you, exactly where you are and prepares you for the day ahead mentally, physically and spiritually.


Michelle Knight

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3 Steps to Release Your Fears

3 steps to release your fears

"Everything you want is on the other side of fear" -Jack Canfield

The other day I had a moment of absolute fear. It was so consuming that I called my husband in tears. After a long talk about what was holding me back and him reassuring me that he believes in me with all of his being, yeah I got super lucky with him as a partner, I felt better, but drained. Why was I continuing to let fear control parts of life? I've been fighting this battle for years and even though I continue to release it, it seems to sneak back in.

The next morning I was getting ready to meditate and pulled one of my motivation cards. I pulled the "Invite Fear Over For Tea" card. I've pulled this card before and was about to put it back when I felt called to keep it out and make it my focus for the day. What came up for me over the next twenty minutes was life changing.

During my meditation I decided to write a goodbye letter to my fears. I proceeded to write in my journal the following letter.

Dear Fear,

I see you, I hear you and I don’t want you any longer. It is time to hit the road and release this hold you have on me. I’ve been walking in tandem with you for years and we just can’t be connected any longer. I don’t need you anymore. I don’t need you as a crutch any longer. I’m ready to do it with my whole heart and soul and I just can’t do it with you around.

There was a time when you actually brought a little comfort to my life. When I could count on you/blame you to get me out of situations I wasn’t 100% sure of, but now you are consuming me. We have been together too long now and I’ve become dependent on you.

I know you’ll never leave on your own so this is my final goodbye. I’m releasing you to never find you again. This isn’t temporary, we’ve done that before, this is permanent. It’s time for drastic change and I’m ready physically, mentally and emotionally to release you from my soul.

It’s time for me to stand alone, free from fear and put myself and my talents out into this world. It’s time to live freely.

No longer yours,

Michelle Knight

3 steps to overcome your fear

Here is the thing about fears, we all have them. It's how we choose to react to them that dictates our lives. Are you hiding in fear? What are you holding back from because you are afraid of the outcome?

I've created a list of the top three steps to release your fears. Seriously don't wait another minute to say goodbye to your fears.

The immediate release I felt after following these steps and releasing the fears that have been paralyzing me for years felt like nothing else. Is it easy to release them, absolutely not, but it is worth it. Yes, you may have to repeat steps 1 to 3 multiple times in your life, but each time will get easier and you will come out stronger than before.


Three steps to release your fears:

  1. Get to the core - journal with the intention of asking yourself Why Am I Afraid? and I’m not talking the first answers that come to your mind - you have to explore the underlying fears and where they are coming up and why.

  2. Pinpoint Where they are holding you back - Take those fears and pinpoint exact moments in your life where those fears have held you back. Relive those moments and connect on an emotional level. I want you to feel those fears so you can finally come to terms with how toxic they are.

  3. finally Release them - verbally, emotionally and physically let it go. Verbally - Say “{INSERT FEAR} I release you and the hold you have on me." Emotionally - Feel it in your soul that you are free of this fear and the emotional hold it has on you. Don’t just say it - Believe it! Physically - I encourage you to physically release the hold fear has on you. My favorite ways include burning your fear (although I’m not responsible for damage so please practice safety) and writing a letter.

If you are serious about releasing your fears and getting to the root of what has been holding you back, it is time to get help. In my 90 Day Passport to Freedom program we uncover what fears and limitation are holding you back from reaching your life of freedom. Uncovering your fears is just as essential as getting your sales funnel in order, and dare I say more important. You can't possible go forward in your business without doing the dirty work and digging down deep. I'd love to support you on this journey >>

Be Merry!

Michelle Knight

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What I Know For Sure

what i know for sure - branding and freedom success coaching

On Monday, September 12 I will be turning 29. It isn’t a big birthday in the grand scheme of things, but I will be entering the last year of my 20’s which is pretty crazy! To say I’m excited for this next year, is a complete understatement. At the end of this month I am leaving my 9 to 5 to pursue my business full time. This is an exciting transition for myself and my family and I am on the brink of changing our lives and the lives of others.

My goal is to make a global impact in this world, by empowering women to share their story with the world through their brand. In my mind there is no better storyteller or promoter of stories than Oprah. This week I’ve been drawn to listening to her book, “What I Know for Sure.” If you haven’t read or listened before, I highly recommend taking time to do so.

Her book inspired me to think about my own life and where I am as I enter into this new phase, so I’ve complied my own list of What I Know For Sure thanks to Lady O.

What I Know For Sure...

I know for sure that spending time with family is the best feeling in the world. Whether it be sitting on the couch watching Netflix or playing washers in my parent’s backyard, nothing fills my soul like family time.

I know for sure that traveling is one of the greatest joys. It opens your eyes to the beauty of this world and to the acceptance of others. It takes you out of your comfort zone and puts you in situations that require you to problem solve. As an added bonus you get really good at staying calm when you get lost.

I know for sure that having a garden that you get to nurture and grow and then eventually benefit from in the most delicious way never gets old.

I know for sure I’m meant for so much in this world and that just going with the flow has never been enough.

I know for sure Italy will always have my heart. The amazing food and wine, strolling down the streets after a late and long dinner, to just walking through the cities will always be my favorite memory.

I know for sure an evening talking and laughing with a good bottle of wine is the best way to spend time with someone you love.

I know for sure compassion, above all else, is the best, most attractive trait a person can possess. Not to mention it makes the world a better place to live.

I know for sure a soy no water chai from Starbucks is the best drink to enjoy when I need to get shit done.

I know for sure everyone has a story to tell and I was put on this earth to empower them to tell it.  Join my 5-Day Challenge to Own Your Story >>

I know for sure feeling water rush over my body, as if I’m standing alone under a waterfall, is the most relaxing and meditative feeling in the world.

I know for sure walking barefoot outside helps me feel grounded and connected to this earth in a way nothing else does.

I know for sure that there is no greater feeling than love and once you truly feel love for yourself and the love for and of another you can accomplish anything.

I know for sure that everything we encounter is a choice and it is a choice we have the power to make.

I know for sure my body is a vessel and I must take care of it in order for it to carry me through this life.

I know for sure there are no better colors than the colors of fall.

I know for sure I’ve never felt stronger than when I take time to get on my mat. Yoga makes me feel strong inside and out and as if I can take on the world.

I know for sure love that supports you, lifts you and pushes you to be your best self is the truest of love and I have just that.

I know for sure giving birth changed me forever. Not only did I bring into this world a beautiful life, that I can nurture, inspire and learn from, but knowing that I did it, through perseverance and pain, is my greatest accomplishment to date.

I know for sure that I am worthy of everything I desire.


Michelle Knight


P.S. If you know for sure that you are meant for more in this world, that you are destined for a life of freedom and you have a story to tell this world, but aren't sure how to go about it, I'd love to chat about how I can help make your life of freedom a reality. schedule a call >>

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Books to Ignite Your Motivation

inspirational mindset books for self care

Becoming a entrepreneur is no easy task. It takes time, dedication and a few sacrifices to get your business up and running. However, and correct me if I'm wrong, but you probably shared the same goal I had when launching our business, that you desired flexibility and ease. Ok good we are on the same page. Then why does it sometimes feel exhausting working on our businesses?

It's because we don't take time for ourselves!

I plan to do a whole series on self care, but what better way to kick off than with a list of some truly inspirational books? Part of my self care routine is making sure I am feeding my mind with truly inspirational, positive and empowering literature.

Just like you, I don't always have the time to sit down and actually read a book especially while working 9 to 5 and raising a little one. So I have found my new best friend is Audible.

There are many resources out there for listening to your books, but honestly I found Audible and ran with it. I love listening to my books because it allows me to fit them in on my drive to and from work. 

Some books to get you started:

  • You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero
  • The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks
  • Leveraging the Universe by Mike Dooley
  • The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles
  • What I Know for Sure by Oprah Winfrey
  • Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand In the Sun and Be Your Own Person by Shonda Rhimes

I'm a big fan of Oprah's What I Know for Sure as a quick and SUPER effective read. I'm also such a huge fan of You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero, so much that I've listened to it three times already - I seriously can't say enough great things about the messages in this book.

I hope this list gives you a jumping off point. Remember, self care is so important not only for our own well-beings, but also for our business.

In order to give time and energy to your business and your family you must first give to yourself. 

Be Merry!

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That Mindset Woo Woo Stuff

It's time to get real with you - I'm pretty woo woo. Yes, I love to burn incense, I thrive off a deep yoga class and meditation, I believe that if I dream it I will manifest it and yes, I've burned my fair share of sage when things seem a little off-kilter. I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture.

yoga and meditation are great mindset practices

This woo woo stuff, that so many people make fun of or don't find value in has seriously CHANGED my life. Not only has mindset work opened up my soul to endless possibilities, but it also reaffirmed deep down that I am capable of anything. Feeling centered in myself and connected with the energy of the universe has helped me realize that I am destined for so much more than what I thought was "expected" of me.

You know that aching feeling in your soul that you were destined for so much more? That feeling you get when you realize you are just coasting through life? It hurts, right? When you have these feelings, it seems as though someone has placed a heavy weight on your chest, you have trouble catching your breath and there is no way you will ever be upright again. I know those feelings cause I've been there.

I wouldn't be writing this post to you today, building my new website or developing my new 90-day coaching program, if I had not decided enough was enough.

Enough of just coasting - Enough of feeling drained - Enough of feeling unfulfilled - Enough!

When I finally admitted to myself that I was destined for so much more, shifts immediately started taking place. I started to feel lighter, to feel capable of anything and started to feel FREE.

Your mindset practice is so important to not only the success of your business, but also to your life - in case you forgot, you only get one so you better stop wasting it.

There are endless ways you can shift your mindset:

  • Journaling
  • Meditation
  • Exercise
  • Long walks
  • Connecting with nature
  • Through music
  • Fueling your body with great foods
  • Creating
  • Reading

And I encourage you to do whatever lifts that heavy weight off of your chest and opens your soul, but my favorite by far is creating a vision board. There is something so, dare I say, magical about seeing what is possible. For me a vision board helps me truly put myself in that life I so deeply know I deserve.

Do the mindset work

In case you still don't believe me that mindset work is the real deal, let me paint you a picture.

In December, I faced another major shift in my life and recognized this deep desire that a change was needed. I had just given birth to my son and quickly found myself not just wanting, but needing, more. I could recognize this shift because I had welcomed yoga and meditation into my life a year earlier and knew deep down this was not a calling I could just overlook.

I began listening to mindset books, podcasts, webinars, guided meditations, anything I could to become clearer on what this calling was. Over the last six months I have completely transformed my life, feel clearer than clear on what my calling is and am living my life of freedom.

In June I decided it was high time we put up a vision board in our home. I had printed out some visuals, but they just sat on my dining room table. Finally, at the end of June I took the five minutes I needed to place them on the board. Over the next week I looked at them daily and with everything I had, I envisioned my life of freedom. 

The board contained many images, but two that I deeply focused on were working with a high-level coach and finalizing our trip to Europe. I posted pictures of Belgium, Amsterdam and Iceland and had decided on a coach I knew I was meant to work with. Within a week both items were final. On July 1, I received a notification that airfare to Europe had dropped to just $700 per person and I booked it instantly. The next day I had a clarity call with my now coach which just reaffirmed I was meant to follow her lead and within a week I had paid in full for her program!

mindset work to make dreams a reality

I'm not lying to you when I say it is worth it. So whatever you want to call it - woo woo, mindset, intention, whatever you need to call it to make it appeal to you, just do it. Seriously, stop wasting your life feeling desensitized, you deserve so much more from this beautiful life.

Be Merry!

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