3 Ways to Improve Your Content Marketing as a Female Entrepreneur

Content Marketing is King, or Queen in this case and it’s one of the key pieces in spreading your message, creating brand awareness and building a community that actually buys from you. However, there’s a little something that’s keeping so many fema…

Content Marketing is King, or Queen in this case and it’s one of the key pieces in spreading your message, creating brand awareness and building a community that actually buys from you…

However, there’s a little something that’s keeping so many female entrepreneurs and online marketers from succeeding online with their current content marketing strategy.

But, before I spill the deets...a little story.

Suzie saw an amazing post in a Facebook Group.

The post promoted a freebie/product so similar to hers.

The post had SO much engagement, I’m talking hundreds of comments and most likely hundreds of opt-ins.

You know one of those good ole’ effective ladder posts.
**If you’re not familiar with a ladder post, it’s essentially a post that encourages people to comment in order to get a special link. Every comment bumps the post up into the Facebook feed, therefore keeping your post relevant for days!

So, what did Suzie do? Suzie studied it.

She looked at the post, the way it was written, the key factors and plugged in her information.

Then Suzie posted HER post into the same group.

Do you know what happened?

Crickets 🦗

Do you know why?

Because the post wasn’t truly Suzie’s it was someone else's.


And I know that’s hard to hear because we want it to be easier.

We want all the answers as to why THEY have it and we don’t.

I know because I’ve been there too.

But, the more you start to mimic/copy/imitate someone else the more YOUR authentic brand and personality blend in.

And the only way to stand out today in your industry is to break through the noise.

Yet, so many entrepreneurs do it and therefore so many entrepreneurs (mentors/coaches specifically) package the idea of Done-For-You Templates.

And I believe there is nothing more detrimental to branding than a template that teaches you what to say to your community and encourages you to copy and paste

Just to be clear, there are a few templates I’m a big fan of:

• Calendars and Planners
• Trackers and Spreadsheets
• Design templates in Canva

And, that’s about it!

When you get into the world of template emails, template social media post and even worse templated photos to share as your own on social media...then we have a problem.

And, this rise of templated content is contributing to what so many entrepreneurs are trying to avoid...sounding like a robot and losing their own authentic voice.

Moving Forward. 

So, what do we do?

We stop.

We stop using templates as a quick fix for our business and develop better ways to tap into our own stories and the stories of our audience to create highly valuable content.

We use our own lives and experiences as an inspiration in our personal brand to deeply connect with our audience.

And we stop downloading free offers that say “Fill-in-the-Blank Social Media Posts to Skyrocket Your Engagement and Get you $10k in a Week!”

If you want to stand out, truly stand out and build a community of fans over followers, then templates and copy/paste are not the answer.

Three things you can do today to come up with more aligned content for your brand.

1. Use a Content Calendar

If you are not currently using a content calendar then you’re flying by the seat of your pants and that is most likely contributing to the need to “search” for answers, rather than trusting your own writing instincts.

You can download my free Content Calendar if you haven’t already.

This will teach you a technique (not a template) I use with my clients to identify YOUR authentic Brand Containers as a way to come up with a stream of content. Then you can better plan for your content over the next month and pull from your own life experiences and needs of your clients in the process.

In addition, can you tell I’m super passionate about this, you’ll get into the habit or pre-writing your content which allow you to find your own voice.

2. Pull Ideas For Content From Your Followers

Want to know the secret to content that converts? Pay attention to what your audience is asking for. Yes, it gets to be that easy, yet so many entrepreneurs are missing this step.

Maybe it’s because they don’t have an audience yet?

Maybe it’s because their audience, although small, is made up of family and friends?

Maybe they don’t know how to ask?

Whatever the reason may be, I want you to remember you have the internet at your fingertips. Literally, anything you need to know is available to you if you take the time to look (and taking the time to brainstorm and research content ideas is huge)!

Use hashtags, groups, forums, connections, heck a simple Google Search to find what your ideal client is looking for and create content that addresses that need in a way that showcases your personality and brand voice.

3. Play up Emotional Branding in Your Content

Not sure what I mean by emotional branding? Be sure to check out this post here.

At its core, emotional branding is understanding the pains and pleasures of your audience and creating strong copy and content that:

  1. Addresses the pain and/or pleasure

  2. Uses strong emotionally charged language to connect to that pain and/or pleasure

  3. Offers a solution

Even in the beginning when you’re testing your copy and your writing style or brainstorming content ideas, you can start incorporating emotionally charged words and phrases into your copy.

This will allow you to connect on a deeper level with your audience and start building an audience of true fans.

I believe that your true voice deserves to be heard and your brand to be seen.

I know that you have everything you need already inside of you to stand out on social media, you might need a little help in tapping into it, but don’t mask it with a generic template.

The goal is to find a system that allows your most authentic qualities to shine through.

Your language.

Your personality.

Your voice.

Your unique characteristics.

Your style.

When you use a template, that probably about 1,000+ other people are using you lose these pieces. Maybe not at first, but over time.

And as Dr. Seuss once said, and about a hundred other movies including What a Girl Wants 🙌🏻, “Why blend in when you were born to stand out?”

If you’re serious about doing the work and creating a brand that stands out on social media, produces high-value content for your audience and building a thriving community that leads to a revenue-generating business, then be sure to check out the Content Planning Blueprint here.

Tell me in the comments, what is your favorite tip from above?

Please share your biggest takeaways from this blog post and how you’re going to implement this information in your own business!

Branding and Business Coach | Michelle Knight of Brandmerry

P.S. Planning and creating your content doesn't have to be a constant struggle. There is a better way to research, plan, and create your content as an entrepreneur and it's all inside the Content Planning Blueprint!

The Content Planning Blueprint is perfect for online business owners who know the power of content creation but are tired of spending all of their time coming up with ideas, organizing their content, and wondering what will attract their dream clients.

In just a few hours, you'll have 90 days of content planned, a repeatable workflow to save you hours on creating and distributing your content every week, and content topics that will keep performing for your brand for years to come! Get your blueprint now >>


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